• Cursor Selection Handling

    This codemod shows how to migrate cursor and selection handling from Slate v0.88 to v0.104, including the Preventing runtime errors from null selections.

  • React Router/6/Seperate Link State Prop

    This codemod simplifies the Link component by transforming its to prop from an object with a pathname to a string. It removes the unnecessary object wrapper around the pathname, maintaining the state prop as is.

  • Array To Set Conversion

    A codemod which makes the array search operation more optimal and efficient, by converting the array into a set and executing the set's has method to find the desired element.

  • Meteor/V3/Mongo Db Async Methods

    This codemod updates synchronous MongoDB operations in a Meteor project to use their asynchronous counterparts, making the code compatible with modern JavaScript best practices (using async/await). It transforms methods such as find, findOne, insert, update, remove, and upsert to their asynchronous equivalents by appending Async to method names and introducing await.

  • Meteor/V3/Removed Functions

    This codemod helps remove deprecated functions like Promise.await and Meteor.wrapAsync from your Meteor codebase, aligning it with the new best practices introduced in Meteor v3.

  • Preact/X/Migration Recipe

    This recipe provides a collection of codemods to help you migrate your codebase to Preact X. These codemods are designed to streamline the transition process by automating common code transformations.