• Correct Ts Specifiers

    This package transforms import specifiers in source-code from the broken state TypeScript's compiler (tsc) required (prior TypeScript v5.7 RC) into proper ones. This is useful when source-code is processed by standards-compliant software like Node.js. This is a one-and-done process, and the updated source-code should be committed to your version control (ex git); thereafter, source-code import statements should be authored compliant with the ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard.

  • Deno Refactor TLS Certs Reading

    This codemod updates the usage of TLS certificate loading in Deno by replacing deprecated properties with their new counterparts. In Deno V2, loading certificates directly from files is now deprecated. Instead, you should read the certificates yourself.

  • Reka Ui/Update Combobox Filter

    Combobox has been refactored and improve to support better custom filtering

  • Reka Ui/Rename Controlled State

    Replace searchTerm props of Root to Input's v-model.

  • Styledictionary/4/Asynchronous Api File Headers

    This codemod updates the fileHeader format helper utility to be asynchronous, allowing support for async fileHeaders while maintaining consistency with the latest updates.

  • Reka Ui/Import Update

    The primary change in imports is replacing radix-vue with reka-ui.

  • Reka Ui/SearchTerm Props Of Root To Input'S V Model

    Replace searchTerm props of Root to Input's v-model.

  • Next/15/Update Fetch Requests To Handle Caching

    Update Fetch Requests to Handle Caching

  • Next/15/Refactor Experimental.ServerComponentsExternalPackages To ServerExternalPackages

    Refactor experimental.serverComponentsExternalPackages to serverExternalPackages

  • Ethers/6/Importing

    This codemod helps in tranformation, related to some import packages.

  • Vue 3 Update Navigation Menu Link Emits And Handle Click

    When using NavigationMenuLink together with NuxtLink according to the documentation the menu does not dismiss when clicking on a link.

  • Jest Add Root And Assertions To Test

    Added Input Root Test Cases to which handle the data disabled case

  • Remix/Single Fetch/Replace Types

    This codemod replaces the UIMatch and MetaArgs types with UIMatch_SingleFetch and MetaArgs_SingleFetch

  • Mocha/Vitest/Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will upgrade your project from using mocha to vitest.

  • React/19/Replace Reactdom Render

    • Replaces usages of ReactDom.render() with createRoot(node).render().
    • Replaces usages of ReactDom.hydrate() with hydrateRoot()
    • Replaces usages of ReactDom.unmountComponentAtNode() with root.unmount()
  • Next/13/New Image Experimental

    This codemod dangerously migrates the usages of the Image component from the next/legacy/image module to the next/image module. This is achieved by adding inline styles and removing unused props.