• Correct Ts Specifiers

    This package transforms import specifiers in source-code from the broken state TypeScript's compiler (tsc) required (prior TypeScript v5.7 RC) into proper ones. This is useful when source-code is processed by standards-compliant software like Node.js. This is a one-and-done process, and the updated source-code should be committed to your version control (ex git); thereafter, source-code import statements should be authored compliant with the ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard.

  • Fastify/5/Remove Done Callback

    This codemod updates fastify.register to use return instead of done, reflecting changes in Fastify v5 for asynchronous plugin registration.

  • Fastify/5/Rename Logger To Logger Instance

    This codemod updates the Fastify logger configuration by renaming the logger option to loggerInstance, in line with Fastify v5 changes.

  • Fastify/5/Make Reply Trailer Async

    This codemod updates the reply.trailer method to use an async function for handling trailers, aligning with Fastify v5's support for asynchronous operations in trailers.

  • Fastify/5/Redirect Arg Order

    This codemod updates reply.redirect by placing the status code as the second argument, as per Fastify v5 conventions.

  • Fastify/5/GetResponseTime To ElapsedTime

    This codemod converts reply.getResponseTime() to reply.elapsedTime, reflecting changes in Fastify v5 for retrieving response time.

  • Fastify/5/Req Connection To Socket

    This codemod updates references from req.connection to req.socket, reflecting changes in Fastify v5's request handling.

  • Fastify/5/Route Schema Enhancement

    This codemod enhances the schema definition for query strings by converting it to the full object schema format, adding properties and required fields.

  • Fastify/5/Decorate Request To Getter Method

    This codemod transforms fastify.decorateRequest with static objects into the new Fastify v5 pattern using a getter function.

  • Fastify/5/Replace Reply Sent With Hijack

    This codemod turns reply.sent = true into reply.hijack(), updating to the new Fastify v5 method for handling manual responses.

  • Fastify/5/Replace Hardcoded Url In Hasroute

    This codemod highlights the shift in how routes with dynamic parameters should be referenced in fastify.hasRoute in Fastify v5.

  • Fastify/5/Listen Arg Transformation

    This codemod turns fastify.listen(8000) into fastify.listen({ port: 8000 }), reflecting the highlights of the migration from the old listen method signature to the new object-based approach in Fastify v5.


  • Fastify/5/Req Params HasOwnProperty To ObjectHasOwn

    This codemod turns req.params.hasOwnProperty('name') into Object.hasOwn(req.params, 'name'), reflecting the new Fastify v5 approach to property checking.

  • Jasmine/V5/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate to jasmine v5 from jasmine 4.x .

  • Jasmine/V5/Node Boot Removal

    This codemod remove node_boot.js as it is no longer supported in jasmin 5.0

  • Jasmine/V5/Handling Env Execute Callbacks

    This codemod migrates Env.execute callbacks to await.

  • Webpack/V5/Migration Recipe

    This recipe is a set of codemods that will help migrate webpack v4 to v5.

  • Webpack/V5/Set Target To False And Update Plugins

    This codemod migrates the target property in Webpack configurations from a function to false and moves the function to the plugins array.

  • Webpack/V5/Json Imports To Default Imports

    This codemod migrates imports from JSON modules that use named exports to use default exports instead.

  • Webpack/V5/Migrate Library Target To Library Object

    This codemod migrates the output.library and output.libraryTarget properties in Webpack configurations to the new format required by Webpack 5. It changes output.library to output.library.name and output.libraryTarget to output.library.type.